The great snipe Gallinago media (Lath. 1787) is a medium-size migratory wader Charadriiformes of the Scolopacidae family. Dimensions: body length 27–31 cm, wingspan 43–50 cm (Dyrcz 2004). In appearance and silhouette it resembles the common snipe Gallinago galinago, but it is slightly larger and heavier, has a shorter beak and more white coloration on the tail feathers. It also has a subtly different pattern and colour of cover feathers (including larger light pearls) and a fully barred stomach, reaching up to the base of the legs. In flight, two parallel white stripes visible on the top of the wings. It has little pronounced dimorphism, most noticeable in body size. When flashed, a heavy and calm flight is also characteristic, usually quite low above the ground. Females are larger and heavier, weighing an average of 182.6 g during the breeding season, and males 156.5 g (Höglund et al. 1990).