Great snipe habitats are shared with other valuable species in Polish avifauna. The presence of 25 bird species from Annex I of the Birds Directive was recorded as part of the habitat assessment at 67 great snipe sites in Poland. This list includes both breeding species as well as those using the habitat only as feeding grounds, e.g. birds of prey. The most common species found on great snipe sites were common snipe (Annex II of the Bird Directive), lapwing and marsh harrier - each of them found on over 30% of the sites. The coexistence of many valuable and endangered bird species with great snipe allows to classify it an umbrella species and its protection will contribute to improving the conservation status of other valuable species of Polish avifauna. A particularly valuable and endangered co-occurring species is the aquatic warbler, which was found in 15 great snipe sites (22% of all the sites) and thus should always be taken into account when planning conservation measures for the great snipe.